Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shark Number Ten: The Basking Shark


• Second largest shark in the world
• Can grow as long as 40 feet
• Can weigh as much as 19 tons

The basking shark is not a predatory shark but a filter feeder, meaning it pushes water through its gills, filtering out plankton and small invertebrate fish. It is the second largest shark in the world, second only to the Whale Shark. It is a slow moving, harmless shark that lives in all of the world’s oceans. In winter, basking sharks move to depths of up to 3,000 ft to feed on deep water plankton. They can filter as much as 1,800 tons of water per hour.

They have a typical ‘shark’ body type and have been mistaken for the Great White. Commonly, their coloring is dark brown or black, fading to a dull white at its belly.

Basking Sharks do not evade approaching boats (unlike great white sharks). They are harmless to humans if left alone and are not attracted to chum.


Basking sharks are ovoviviparous: the developing embryos first rely on a yolk sac, and there is no placental connection. Gestation is thought to span over a year (perhaps 2 or 3 years), with a small though unknown number of young born fully developed at 4 ft 10 in–6 ft 7 in. Only one pregnant female is known to have been caught; she was carrying 6 unborn young. Mating is thought to occur in early summer and birthing in late summer, following the female's movement into shallow waters.

Other facts

The name basking shark is derived from their habit of frequenting the warmer water on the surface, as they look like they're basking in the sun.

Basking sharks are found in cold to warm temperate waters across the globe. They can be seen singly or in groups (of up to 100 members) near the surface of the water. Basking sharks are mostly seen from the surface to a depth of around 3000 feet.



Wednesday, August 4, 2010


As you've noticed, or not noticed maybe, I haven't blogged for a few days. There are a few things going on. My father in law was admitted to the hospital for an emergency triple bypass surgery on Friday. My mom left for the airport on Sunday and I drove her to Sacramento (3 hours from me), spent the night in a hotel and drive home the next day.

Those are two of the reasons I haven't blogged, but the third reason is probably the biggest: I've lost my motivation. I haven't lost my interest, not by a long shot. But I feel like I'm wasting my time. I guess I thought people would read and comment and interact and I would feel like I was making a difference, or at least entertaining people. But I don't think anybody reads this except for my husband (Thank you for your support honey. I love you). I didn't realize how time consuming this would be when I started. Each blog takes me between 1 and 3 hours to put together. I have to do the research, compile it in a format that I think will be interesting and have continuity, find video (which means watching each potential one to see if it's what I'm looking for), find pictures that depict the animal in the most interesting way, cite my sources, proofread it, copy it from my word document and past it here, then edit it (because it doesn't paste certain features from Word) and post it.

I don't think that effort would bother me if it served the intended purpose. I guess I feel like I'm talking to myself. In the case that somebody stumbles across this who doesn't know me, I am a stay at home mom of 5 kids. I am busy. I am constantly being pulled in 5 (or more) different directions. I have to sacrifice my time for this blog, for what is starting to seem like no reason.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I don't want to quit. I want to see this through. The only way I can figure to keep myself doing this blog is to take the time frame off. I wanted to do this in one year. That, I think, is unrealistic for somebody with my lifestyle. I think it would be best for me to work on it in my spare time. Then, I wouldn't feel like I was taking away from my family and other responsibilities to do it, and if nobody reads it, it may not feel so much like a waste of time.

I figure that if I don't remove the one year time frame, I will end up getting so far behind that I will feel there's no way to catch up, and I'll just quit all together. So I'm going to try this. I'm going to remove the time frame and not feel obligated to blog every day.